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Previous Version: Version/1.5.4063
Released on: 13 April 2024
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Released on: 16 April 2024

Version 1.5.4066 is up now on the unstable branch! (Now on the stable branch as well)

  • Fix: Analyzable gizmo disabled if no research bench available.
  • Fix: Void provocation unable to fire harbinger tree sprout incident.
  • Fix: Error when rendering belt node with null wornGraphicData.
  • Fix: Duplicates' unborn babies not inheriting source unborn baby's xenogenes.
  • Fix: Caravan ambushes ending despite colonists having death refusal.
  • Fix: Prisoners getting both monster by bed and imprisoned with entity mood debuffs.
  • Fix: Creepjoiners can be enslaved without responding.
  • Fix: Returning from labyrinth not using correct map when selecting return cell.
  • Fix: Revenant causing permanent stun.
  • Fix: Shard inhibitors can be rotated.
  • Fix: Desiccated deer artwork had incorrect scaling for North/South directions.
  • Fix: Colored text broken in mod config for some translations.
  • Fix: Error when targeting empty colonist bar entry.
  • Fix: Monolith spawning too close to geysers in rare circumstances.
  • Fix: Player shamblers show up in schedule tab.
  • Fix: Able to order monolith activation when there is no path.
  • Fix: Cubes enthralling pawns on different maps/caravans.
  • Fix: Nociosphere not returning to it's original location on activity activation.
  • Fix: Metalhorrors not emerging once enough of your colonists are infected.
  • Fix: Deathless pawns dying without correct injuries from failed surgery.
  • Fix: Child shamblers can arrive with children disabled in storyteller settings.
  • Fix: Child ghouls causing errors on attempting to get body graphic.
  • Fix: Chaos skipping into a fogged area doesn't clear fog.
  • Fix: Incinerators with shield belts cause "shield user has ranged weapon" alert.
  • Fix: Error when wastepack infestation occurs near map edge, attempting to spawn outside of map.
  • Fix: Custom xenotypes lose their custom icon when duplicated with obelisk.
  • Fix: Gender typo in creepjoiner letter.
  • Fix: Text formatting for nociosphere gizmo inconsistent.
  • Updated descriptions of some anomaly buildings.
  • Reduced entity count required to advance to waking monolith level from 8 to 7 to avoid softlocking in ice sheet biomes.
  • Pocket maps count towards the wealth of their parent map.
  • Corpses now have a 6 hour window before they'll resurrect in a death pall.
  • Improved target highlighting for incinerator and beam verbs.
  • Updated player creative rewards content.