Topic on User talk:Arcangelus

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Harakoni (talkcontribs)

Got a basic template up while I was stuck in a zoom meeting, take a look. I don't think there's a practical way to make it more dense without removing useful features like sortability, however it is automated now, so no need to manually update for new pawns or changes in mins/maxes. Make any modifications you think are useful

Arcangelus (talkcontribs)

Thank you! That's a lot better. The only inconvenient is the way auto-sort deals with negative temperatures. I suspect the formatting being the issue, but:

  • 16°C is considered lower than -100°C
  • -0°C is ordered correctly, but not so 0°C.

The fist one is not much of a problem, as only human pawns are affected. The second one is very weird, as the temperatures are apparently saved as plain 0 (no signs). Despite that, Cobra and Tortoise get -0 while Iguana and Megascarab get 0. Not a really big deal on the big scheme of things, but I'll try to find out what causes that.

Harakoni (talkcontribs)

Whoops that's because it's sorting as if it's text and not numbers. Should be fixed now.

I have no idea why they're -0 though. I'll have to take a look later. If you find out, let me know.

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