Difference between revisions of "User:Harakoni/Sandbox"

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Line 871: Line 871:
{{#ask: [[Name::!~*spot]] [[Name::!~*meat]] [[Type::!Plant]] [[Type::!Animal]] [[Type2::!Egg]]
| limit = 2
| sort = Type, Type2, Name
{{#ask: [[~*rifle]] [[Modification date::+]]}}
{{#ask: [[Name::Fine carpet||Gold tile||Silver tile||Fine stone tile||Hex tile||Spikecore plates||Totemic boards||Morbid stone tile||Spikecore stone tile||Totemic stone tile||Morbid carpet||Hex carpet||Mindbend carpet]]}}
{{#ask: [[Type::Building]] [[Has Quality::true]]  
| format = ul}}
{{#ask: [[Category:Fine floor]]}}
{{#ask: [[Type::Buildings]]}}
{{#ask: [[sowTags::~*Decorative*]] [[sowTags::!~*DecorativeTree*]]}}
{{#ask:[[Category:Stone Blocks]]
|?Max Hit Points Factor=HP Factor
|?Beauty Offset
|?Beauty Factor
|?Work To Build Factor
|?Work To Make Factor
|?Market Value Base=Market Value
|class=sortable c_01 text-center table
{{#ask: [[Resource 1::+]] [[:+]]
| ?Required Research
| ?Type
| ?Type2
| sort = Required Research, Type, Type2
| limit = 500
{{#ask: [[Type2::Ruins]]
| ?Image#32px
| ? = Building
| limit=5
{{#if: {{#pos: {{Q|Corset|Category}} | Royalty}}| {{Check}} | {{Cross}} }}
{{#if: {{#pos: {{Q|Warg|Category}} | Royalty}}| {{Check}} | {{Cross}} }}
{| {{STDT|sortable c_03 text-center}}
! Name !! Stuff amount !! Work To Make !!  Value/Textile
{{#ask: [[Stuff Tags::~*Fabric*]] OR [[Stuff Tags::~*Leathery*]]
| named args=yes
| ?Name=?Name
| ?Resource 1 Amount=?Resource 1 Amount
| ?Work To Make=?Work To Make
| limit = 500
| format=template
| template=User:Harakoni/OptimumTextiles
<div style='-webkit-column-count: {{{columns|1}}}; -moz-column-count: {{{columns|1}}}; column-count: {{{columns|1}}}'>
 [[Name::~*econ*]] OR [[Name::~*ataphract*]] OR [[Name::~*arine*]]
| ?# = Name
| ?Image
| ?Description
| ?Note
| ?Tags
| format    = template
| named args = yes
| link      = none
| template  = {{{item |Ask/Item}}}
| limit      = {{{limit|50}}}
| sort      = {{{sort |}}}
| order      = {{{order|}}}
| userparam  = {{{param|}}}
*Stuffable tag on items? Need some way to automate knowing which materials to apply and can't trust the [[:Category:Armor]], [[:Category:Clothing]] system - war veil is armor but takes textiles. A stuffable tag saying "Metallic" "Leathery" "Fabric" "Woody" would allow you to check if the var contains the tag, and display the relevant information. [[Template: Armor material table]] and [[Template: Clothing material table]] could be merged and the right variants could be displayed on the Comparison table (e.g. devilstrand, thrumbofur, hyperweave, plainleather for clothing, plasteel and steel for metallic armor)
**This same method could be used for automatic weapon materials tables. Maybe merged quality/material table.
**Example of ask command that could do whats needed: {{#ask:[[Coverage::~*Left Shoulder*]]}}
{{#ask: [[Resource 1::+]] [[!Category:Building]] [[!Category:Furniture]]  [[!Category:Miscellaneous]] [[!Category:Security]] [[!Category:Production]] [[!Category:Floor]]
| ?Production Facility 1
| ?Type
| ?Type2
| sort = Production Facility 1
| columns = 3
| limit = 5
{{#ask: [[Category:Animals]] [[Health Scale::+]]
| ?Health Scale
| sort = Health Scale
| limit = 80
{{#ask: [[Category:Insectoid]] [[!Megaspider]]
{{#ask: [[Category:Insectoid]] OR [[Category:Mechanoids]]
{{#ask: [[Category:Clothing]] [[Resource 1::+]]
{{#ask: [[Category:Clothing]] [[Resource 1::>]]
{{#ask: [[Resource 1::Stuff]]
{{#ask: [[Category:Animals]] [[Leather Name::{{lc:{{PAGENAME}}}}]]
| mainlabel=Animal
| ?Leather Yield
| limit = 500
{{#ask: [[Category:Helmet]]
| ?Armor Factor - Sharp
| ?Armor Factor - Blunt
| ?Armor Factor - Heat
| ?Insulation Factor - Cold = Insulation - Cold (&deg;C)
| ?Insulation Factor - Heat = Insulation - Heat (&deg;C)
| ?Market Value Base = Market Value
| link = subject
| limit = 100
| format = ul
== Armor Table==
== Armor Table==

Revision as of 14:07, 9 February 2024




Player created pawns

Pawn name Title
(Short Title)
Description Skill Modifications Work types Traits Tribal Outlander Pirate Offworld Outsider Imperial
James 'Doc' Grey
Pirate King - Can be a faction leader
Fallen prodigy
[PAWN_nameDef] was born on a glitterworld falling into chaos. [PAWN_possessive] father was killed in action.

[PAWN_pronoun] struggled for a scholarship at Utmaior Academy and had to prove [PAWN_possessive] right to be there. A child genius, [PAWN_pronoun] was bullied as a charity case and couldn't make friends with the other kids.

  • −Social
Too smart Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Thin south.png
Mad scientist
Stripped of [PAWN_possessive] life’s work and exiled after [PAWN_possessive] unethical experiments on the survivors of the Callos IX incident were published, [PAWN_nameDef] learned the skills necessary to survive in the outer rim.

Continuing [PAWN_possessive] research with nothing left to lose, [PAWN_pronoun] made minions to carry out the tasks that bored him.

  • −Hauling
  • −Mining
Yiyang 'Mitsuya' Jiang
Transfer student
A midworld child, [PAWN_nameDef]'s wealthy parents sent [PAWN_objective] to a nearby glitterworld to receive a better education.

[PAWN_nameDef] was a talented student. However, due to [PAWN_possessive] family's wealth, [PAWN_pronoun] never had to do dumb labor.

  • −Dumb labor
- Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Male south.png/Naked Female south.png
[PAWN_nameDef] was an activist in a powerful political faction. There [PAWN_pronoun] learned the art of persuasion and speech.

[PAWN_pronoun] had many enemies, so [PAWN_pronoun] took secret courses in shooting and hand-to-hand combat.

  • −Plants
  • −Mining

Weapon DPS comparator

Tradeable items

 Market Value BaseTypeType2
Frenzy inducer495BuildingAnomaly (Buildings)
Shard inhibitor430BuildingAnomaly (Buildings)
Electric inhibitor133BuildingAnomaly (Buildings)
Holding platform76BuildingAnomaly (Buildings)
Bioferrite shaper200BuildingAnomaly (Buildings)
Serum lab725BuildingAnomaly (Buildings)
Sleep suppressor545BuildingAnomaly (Buildings)
Bioferrite harvester141BuildingAnomaly (Buildings)
Atmospheric heater1,385BuildingAnomaly (Buildings)
Proximity detector65BuildingAnomaly (Buildings)
Gene bank145BuildingBiotech (Buildings)
Subcore ripscanner1,925BuildingBiotech (Buildings)
Hemogen amplifier550BuildingBiotech (Buildings)
Mech gestator410BuildingBiotech (Buildings)
Band node535BuildingBiotech (Buildings)
Subcore encoder315BuildingBiotech (Buildings)
Mechband dish795BuildingBiotech (Buildings)
Pollution pump189BuildingBiotech (Buildings)
Growth vat440BuildingBiotech (Buildings)
Subcore softscanner985BuildingBiotech (Buildings)
Deathrest accelerator710BuildingBiotech (Buildings)
Wastepack atomizer2,440BuildingBiotech (Buildings)
Gene processor510BuildingBiotech (Buildings)
Large mech recharger570BuildingBiotech (Buildings)
Deathrest casket295BuildingBiotech (Buildings)
Mech booster345BuildingBiotech (Buildings)
Large mech gestator820BuildingBiotech (Buildings)
Mech recharger300BuildingBiotech (Buildings)
Glucosoid pump515BuildingBiotech (Buildings)
Mechband antenna250BuildingBiotech (Buildings)
Hemopump360BuildingBiotech (Buildings)
Gene assembler550BuildingBiotech (Buildings)
Psychofluid pump1,225BuildingBiotech (Buildings)
Gene extractor670BuildingBiotech (Buildings)
Rustic rug (broad)230BuildingFloor
Spikecore floor-star (medium)194BuildingFloor
Spikecore floor-star (broad)290BuildingFloor
Rustic rug (medium)154BuildingFloor
Wall torch lamp18BuildingFurniture
Torch lamp24BuildingFurniture
Flood light97BuildingFurniture
Sun lamp77BuildingFurniture
Fungus darktorch22BuildingFurniture
Standing lamp39BuildingFurniture
Blood torch24BuildingFurniture
Animus stone5,000BuildingFurniture
Wall lamp39BuildingFurniture
Ideogram185BuildingIdeology (Buildings)
Pyre138BuildingIdeology (Buildings)
Sleep accelerator275BuildingIdeology (Buildings)
Sacrificial flag119BuildingIdeology (Buildings)
Incense shrine163BuildingIdeology (Buildings)
Loudspeaker220BuildingIdeology (Buildings)
Neural supercharger245BuildingIdeology (Buildings)
Cannibal platter132BuildingIdeology (Buildings)
Christmas tree158BuildingIdeology (Buildings)
Biosculpter pod455BuildingIdeology (Buildings)
Effigy107BuildingIdeology (Buildings)
Burnbong310BuildingIdeology (Buildings)
Lightball93BuildingIdeology (Buildings)
Orbital trade beacon111BuildingMisc
Long-range mineral scanner1,010BuildingMisc
Moisture pump275BuildingMisc
Cryptosleep casket710BuildingMisc
Ship landing beacon111BuildingMisc
Comms console365BuildingMisc
Transport pod152BuildingMisc
Pod launcher138BuildingMisc
Ground-penetrating scanner655BuildingMisc
Tool cabinet385BuildingMisc
Vitals monitor215BuildingMisc
Firefoam popper180BuildingMisc
Toxifier generator360BuildingPower
Geothermal generator945BuildingPower
Solar generator295BuildingPower
Waterproof conduit19BuildingPower
Power switch61BuildingPower
Wood-fired generator265BuildingPower
Bioferrite generator740BuildingPower
Wind turbine265BuildingPower
Watermill generator600BuildingPower
Chemfuel powered generator295BuildingPower
Electric smithy295BuildingProduction
Biofuel refinery390BuildingProduction
Hydroponics basin230BuildingProduction
Nutrient paste dispenser340BuildingProduction
Machining table455BuildingProduction
Electric stove225BuildingProduction
Deep drill290BuildingProduction
Fabrication bench1,180BuildingProduction
Fueled smithy200BuildingProduction
Fermenting barrel57BuildingProduction
Fueled stove159BuildingProduction
Electric smelter400BuildingProduction
Tube television315BuildingRecreation
Megascreen television2,000BuildingRecreation
Flatscreen television920BuildingRecreation
IED tox trap57BuildingSecurity
Autocannon turret1,270BuildingSecurity
IED EMP trap115BuildingSecurity
IED smoke trap115BuildingSecurity
Rocketswarm launcher1,075BuildingSecurity
IED incendiary trap115BuildingSecurity
IED deadlife trap100BuildingSecurity
IED antigrain warhead trap1,205BuildingSecurity
IED firefoam trap115BuildingSecurity
Uranium slug turret1,445BuildingSecurity
IED trap115BuildingSecurity
Ship cryptosleep casket1,035BuildingShip
Ship structural beam1,065BuildingShip
Ship engine3,555BuildingShip
Sensor cluster1,805BuildingShip
Ship reactor5,440BuildingShip
Ship computer core5,845BuildingShip
Infinite chemreactor1,500BuildingSpecial
Psychic emanator1,300BuildingSpecial
Vanometric power cell1,200BuildingSpecial
Mech node200BuildingSpecial
Unstable power cell400BuildingSpecial
Security door535BuildingStructure
Passive cooler61BuildingTemperature
Tox shell26Crafted resourcesMortar shell
Firefoam shell55Crafted resourcesMortar shell
Incendiary shell55Crafted resourcesMortar shell
High-explosive shell55Crafted resourcesMortar shell
Deadlife shell55Crafted resourcesMortar shell
Smoke shell55Crafted resourcesMortar shell
EMP shell55Crafted resourcesMortar shell
Tome250Exotic itemBook
Novel160Exotic itemBook
Schematic150Exotic itemBook
Textbook160Exotic itemBook
Vegetarian lavish meal40FoodMeal
Carnivore lavish meal40FoodMeal
Fine meal20FoodMeal
Simple meal15FoodMeal
Vegetarian fine meal20FoodMeal
Packaged survival meal24FoodMeal
Lavish meal40FoodMeal
Carnivore fine meal20FoodMeal
Cassowary egg (fert.)19FoodRaw Food
Tortoise egg (fert.)23FoodRaw Food
Iguana egg (fert.)25FoodRaw Food
Ostrich egg (fert.)23FoodRaw Food
Cobra egg (fert.)40FoodRaw Food
Emu egg (fert.)18FoodRaw Food
Shield belt390GearUtility
Orbital power beam targeter1,200GearUtility
Jump pack645GearUtility
Biomutation lance850GearUtility
Control pack395GearUtility
Psychic insanity lance650GearUtility
Tornado generator800GearUtility
Deadlife pack445GearUtility
Turret pack235GearUtility
Bandwidth pack1,360GearUtility
Disruptor flare pack80GearUtility
Orbital mech cluster targeter1,200GearUtility
Shard shock lance510GearUtility
Smokepop pack166GearUtility
Psychic shock lance550GearUtility
Firefoam pop pack143GearUtility
Low-shield pack430GearUtility
Tox pack132GearUtility
Shard insanity lance530GearUtility
Orbital bombardment targeter1,200GearUtility
Remote shielder1,200Medical ItemsBody Parts
Coagulator830Medical ItemsBody Parts
Love enhancer1,030Medical ItemsBody Parts
Liver1,200Medical ItemsBody Parts
Bionic stomach785Medical ItemsBody Parts
Armorskin gland1,475Medical ItemsBody Parts
Metalblood heart95Medical ItemsBody Parts
Nuclear stomach1,030Medical ItemsBody Parts
Cochlear implant220Medical ItemsBody Parts
Archotech arm2,800Medical ItemsBody Parts
Bionic arm1,030Medical ItemsBody Parts
Venom fangs355Medical ItemsBody Parts
Repair probe1,200Medical ItemsBody Parts
Gastro-analyzer830Medical ItemsBody Parts
Reprocessor stomach1,030Medical ItemsBody Parts
Mechlink500Medical ItemsBody Parts
Prosthetic arm260Medical ItemsBody Parts
Mech gestation processor1,200Medical ItemsBody Parts
Immunoenhancer1,030Medical ItemsBody Parts
Bionic tongue565Medical ItemsBody Parts
Venom talon355Medical ItemsBody Parts
Joywire220Medical ItemsBody Parts
Bionic spine1,030Medical ItemsBody Parts
Mindscrew210Medical ItemsBody Parts
Circadian assistant1,030Medical ItemsBody Parts
Prosthetic leg260Medical ItemsBody Parts
Control sublink (standard)1,200Medical ItemsBody Parts
Power claw385Medical ItemsBody Parts
Xenogerm100Medical ItemsBody Parts
Sterilizing stomach1,030Medical ItemsBody Parts
Hand talon355Medical ItemsBody Parts
Ghoul barbs48Medical ItemsBody Parts
Psychic sensitizer1,000Medical ItemsBody Parts
Field hand425Medical ItemsBody Parts
Bionic heart1,030Medical ItemsBody Parts
Kidney900Medical ItemsBody Parts
Death acidifier400Medical ItemsBody Parts
Psylink neuroformer2,600Medical ItemsBody Parts
Learning assistant1,030Medical ItemsBody Parts
Detoxifier kidney1,080Medical ItemsBody Parts
Control sublink (high)1,200Medical ItemsBody Parts
Revenant vertebrae1,895Medical ItemsBody Parts
Bionic leg1,030Medical ItemsBody Parts
Circadian half-cycler1,030Medical ItemsBody Parts
Aesthetic nose585Medical ItemsBody Parts
Elbow blade355Medical ItemsBody Parts
Psychic reader1,000Medical ItemsBody Parts
Drill arm425Medical ItemsBody Parts
Ghoul plating85Medical ItemsBody Parts
Bionic eye1,030Medical ItemsBody Parts
Archotech eye2,800Medical ItemsBody Parts
Neurocalculator1,030Medical ItemsBody Parts
Remote repairer1,200Medical ItemsBody Parts
Aesthetic shaper830Medical ItemsBody Parts
Flesh tentacle385Medical ItemsBody Parts
Stoneskin gland1,920Medical ItemsBody Parts
Healing enhancer1,030Medical ItemsBody Parts
Bionic jaw1,030Medical ItemsBody Parts
Bionic ear785Medical ItemsBody Parts
Lung1,000Medical ItemsBody Parts
Prosthetic heart230Medical ItemsBody Parts
Toughskin gland1,030Medical ItemsBody Parts
Heart1,200Medical ItemsBody Parts
Detoxifier lung925Medical ItemsBody Parts
Painstopper220Medical ItemsBody Parts
Archotech leg2,800Medical ItemsBody Parts
Psychic harmonizer1,030Medical ItemsBody Parts
Knee spike355Medical ItemsBody Parts
Golden cube1,200MiscEntity
Antigrain warhead1,200ResourcesMortar shell
Harbinger seed600ResourcesPlant matter
Polux seed1,200ResourcesPlant matter
Gauranlen seed70ResourcesPlant matter

Nutrition math sanity check

Assuming an arbitrarily large number of females all serviced by one male, nutritional efficiency per offspring assuming they're slaughtered as an adult can be summarized as:

Food produced/Food consumed 
Food consumed = Food consumed to raise 1 animal to adulthood = Food eaten as baby + food eaten as juvenile + food eaten by mother during gestation - food created by mother during gestation
Food produced = Food produced by slaughtering that animal = adult meat yield * 0.05 

Cow: 10.27092

for 16.8

Horse 11.1486

for 16.8


Operation Description Operation Success Rate Multiplier (%) Violation Anesthetize XP Factor Work Medicine required Skill required
Administer Drug In-game description

Mechanical desc

Can't fail Violation Anesthetize XP Factor 9,999,999,999 ticks (2,777,777.78 mins) Medicine required Skill required
Anesthetize Render a creature unconscious by administering general anesthetic.

Mechanical desc

200 Violation Check.png 16x ticks (0 secs) Herbal medicine 1 -
Euthanize by cut Euthanize a creature by cutting.

Mechanical desc

500 Check.png Anesthetize 16 500 ticks (8.33 secs) Herbal medicine 1 Skill required
Remove (Artificial body part) In-game description

Mechanical desc

120 Check.png Anesthetize 16 2,500 ticks (41.67 secs) Herbal medicine 1 Medical 5
Install (body part) In-game description

Mechanical desc

120 Violation Anesthetize XP Factor 2,500 ticks (41.67 secs) Herbal medicine 2 Medical 5
Harvest (body part) Remove a body part.

Mechanical desc

120 Violation Anesthetize 16 2,000 ticks (33.33 secs) Herbal medicine 1 -
Terminate pregnancy Content added by the Biotech DLC Terminate the pregnancy of an animal or human.

Mechanical desc

2% death on fail chance

200 Check.png Anesthetize XP Factor 1,500 ticks (25 secs) Herbal medicine 2 Skill required
Extract ovum for IVF Content added by the Biotech DLC Extract an ovum into a storage capsule. It can then be fertilized by a man, and finally implanted into a mother to start a pregnancy.

Mechanical desc Requires Fertility proceedures researched must be 15+ Mst be fertile must be female

500 Check.png Anesthetize XP Factor 500 ticks (8.33 secs) Herbal medicine 1 Skill required
Implant embryo Content added by the Biotech DLC In-game description

Mechanical desc

500 Check.png Anesthetize XP Factor 500 ticks (8.33 secs) Herbal medicine 1 Skill required
Extract hemogen pack Extract a hemogen pack from the target. The operation will fail to produce a hemogen pack if the target does not have enough blood.
Hemogen packs can be administered to others to reduce blood loss or to satiate those who feed on blood.

Chance Check.png Ex.png 2x 500 ticks (8.33 secs) - -
Implant xenogerm Implant a xenogerm into a patient. This replaces any previous xenogerm they may have had.

Mechanical desc

Chance Check.png Anesthetize XP Factor 2,000 ticks (33.33 secs) Herbal medicine 4 -
Perform tubal ligation In-game description

Mechanical desc

Chance Violation Anesthetize XP Factor 9,999,999,999 ticks (2,777,777.78 mins) Medicine required Skill required
Perform vasectomy In-game description

Mechanical desc

Chance Violation Anesthetize XP Factor 9,999,999,999 ticks (2,777,777.78 mins) Medicine required Skill required
Reverse vasectomy In-game description

Mechanical desc

Chance Violation Anesthetize XP Factor 9,999,999,999 ticks (2,777,777.78 mins) Medicine required Skill required
Implant IUD In-game description

Mechanical desc

Chance Violation Anesthetize XP Factor 9,999,999,999 ticks (2,777,777.78 mins) Medicine required Skill required
Remove IUD In-game description

Mechanical desc

Chance Violation Anesthetize XP Factor 9,999,999,999 ticks (2,777,777.78 mins) Medicine required Skill required
Blood transfusion In-game description

Mechanical desc

Chance Violation Anesthetize XP Factor 9,999,999,999 ticks (2,777,777.78 mins) Medicine required Skill required
Excise carcinoma In-game description

Mechanical desc

Chance Violation Anesthetize XP Factor 9,999,999,999 ticks (2,777,777.78 mins) Medicine required Skill required
Cure scaria This special medical operation cures scaria.

Mechanical desc

Chance Violation Anesthetize 16 4,500 ticks (1.25 mins) Medicine 3 Medical 8
Sterilize Sterilize a creature so it can no longer reproduce.

Mechanical desc

surgeryIgnoreEnvironment true

Chance Check.png Anesthetize 16 500 ticks (8.33 secs) Medicine required Medical 3
Cure blood rotContent added by the Royalty DLC This special medical operation cures blood rot by a massive infusion of bacteriophage mechanites.

Mechanical desc

Chance Ex.png Anesthetize 16 2,000 ticks (33.33 secs) Glitterworld medicine 10 Medical 5
Anti-abasia mechanite infusionContent added by the Royalty DLC This special medical operation uses a massive dose of mechanites to saturate brain tissue and execute a coordinated restructure of neural activity without damaging the brain. It permanently cures a patient's abasia-induced paralysis, but consumes a large amount of glitterworld medicine.

Mechanical desc

Chance Ex.png Anesthetize XP Factor 2,000 ticks (33.33 secs) Glitterworld medicine 10 Medical 5



remove linkng



Page existence

The image is a link, and it has an explanatory mouse over.

  • [[example|{{#ifexist: example|<span style="color:green;">This page exists.</span>|This page does not exist.}}]]
  • [[exampl|{{#ifexist: exampl|<span style="color:green;">This page exists.</span>|This page does not exist.}}]]

Animal nutrition table

  • Products Nutrition/Day when eaten as:
    Raw Simple meal Nutrient paste meal
    14xMilk/Day 0.7 1.26 2.1
  • Market Value Calculated, not set

    Airwire headset, Array headset, Atmospheric heater, Autocannon turret, Band node, Bandwidth pack, Battery, Bioferrite generator, Bioferrite harvester, Biofuel refinery... further results

    Animal DPS

    Name DPS AP
    Alpaca 3.74 11.25
    Bison 5.14 20.25
    Boomalope 4.63 13.5
    Capybara 4.21 13
    Caribou 5 15.6
    Cassowary 4.46 10.5
    Chicken 1.47 3.75
    Chinchilla 2.55 6
    Cow 3.81 12.25
    Deer 3.63 10.5
    Donkey 4.07 16.35
    Dromedary 4.63 13.5
    Duck 2 5
    Elephant 9.38 34
    Elk 5 15.6
    Emu 5.08 12.25
    Gazelle 3.62 8.5
    Goat 3.49 10.5
    Goose 2.64 7
    Guinea pig 2.55 6
    Hare 1.7 5
    Horse 3.26 10
    Ibex 3.97 12.45
    Megasloth 9.88 31.5
    Muffalo 5 15.6
    Ostrich 6.77 16
    Rhinoceros 8.84 28
    Sheep 4.52 18.15
    Snowhare 1.7 5
    Squirrel 2.13 6.25
    Turkey 3.23 7.5
    Yak 3.81 12.25
    Alphabeaver 3.76 11.5
    Thrumbo 11.1 33.67
    Boomrat 3.25 7.75
    Grizzly bear 8.67 27.5
    Human 4.1 12
    Husky 5.03 16.5
    Iguana 3.95 12.75
    Labrador retriever 4.73 15.67
    Megascarab 2.5 7
    Megaspider 4.62 18
    Monkey 2.28 5.25
    Pig 3.49 10.5
    Polar bear 8.67 27.5
    Spelopede 3.5 10
    Raccoon 3.13 9.25
    Rat 2.58 6
    Tortoise 3.08 12
    Wild boar 4.7 14.5
    Yorkshire terrier 1.95 5.5
    Arctic fox 4.17 12.33
    Arctic wolf 5.86 17.5
    Cat 3.85 9.25
    Cobra 6 18
    Cougar 7.54 18
    Fennec fox 4.17 12.33
    Lynx 6 14.25
    Panther 7.54 18
    Red fox 4.17 12.33
    Timber wolf 5.86 17.5
    Warg 8.31 19.75
    Barkskin 4.17 12.33
    Berrymaker 4.17 12.33
    Carrier 4.17 12.33
    Clawer 12 80
    Gaumaker 4.17 12.33
    Immature dryad 4.17 12.33
    Medicinemaker 4.17 12.33
    Woodmaker 4.17 12.33
    Centipede 6.54 25
    Lancer 6 18
    Pikeman 6 18
    Scyther 10 30
    Termite 6.54 25

    Weapon Table

    Name Average DPS Damage type Average AP Value Silver
    Axe Axe 6.71 20
    Wood Wood 5 15 1.2
    Beer Beer 4.5 13 12
    Bionic arm Bionic arm 6 18 1,030
    Club Club 6.27 19
    Elephant tusk Elephant tusk 6.89 27 80
    Gladius Gladius 7.52 23
    Ikwa Ikwa 6.71 20
    Jade knife Jade knife 5.35 19 159
    Knife Knife 6.5 18
    Longsword Longsword 8.6 33
    Mace Mace 7.02 21
    Monosword Monosword 12.08 83 2,000
    Persona monosword Persona monosword 16.03 84 3,000
    Plasmasword Plasmasword 7.85 30 2,000
    Persona plasmasword Persona plasmasword 11.11 33 3,000
    Eltex staff Eltex staff 4.62 18 2,000
    Spear Spear 7.35 38
    Thrumbo horn Thrumbo horn 800
    Warhammer Warhammer 6.89 27
    Zeushammer Zeushammer 9.95 42 2,000
    Persona zeushammer Persona zeushammer 13.4 42 3,000
    Archotech arm Archotech arm 7 21 2,800
    Power claw Power claw 11 33 385
    Prosthetic arm Prosthetic arm 4.1 12 260
    Drill arm Drill arm 6.5 20 425
    Elbow blade Elbow blade 9 27 355
    Field hand Field hand 4.5 13 425
    Hand talon Hand talon 10 15 355
    Venom talon Venom talon 7.33 15 355
    Venom fangs Venom fangs 7.5 22 355
    Knee spike Knee spike 8.46 38 355

    This article is about the base weapon, for the persona weapon, see Persona zeushammer

    This article is about the Persona weapon, for the base weapon, see Zeushammer

    AP = flat scalar

    Does this armor occupy the middle layer Ex.png Check.png


    Middle, Outer 0



    Example way to display outdated data page

    Alpaca, Alphabeaver, Arctic fox, Arctic wolf, Barkskin, Berrymaker, Bison, Boomalope, Boomrat, Capybara, Caribou, Carrier, Cassowary, Cat, Chicken, Chinchilla, Clawer, Cobra, Cougar, Cow, Deer, Donkey, Dromedary, Duck, Elephant, Elk, Emu, Fennec fox, Gaumaker, Gazelle, Goat, Goose, Grizzly bear, Guinea pig, Hare, Horse, Human, Husky, Ibex, Iguana, Immature dryad, Labrador retriever, Lynx, Medicinemaker, Megascarab, Megasloth, Megaspider, Monkey, Muffalo, Ostrich... further results

    This displays all pages in a category that aren't Verified for the current version using Template: Verified. Animals is used here for function testing but all that would be required would be for the pages to atuomatically have

    [[Category: Data Pages]] {{Verified|<version number here>}}

    When tehy're created and then we could have the

    {{#ask: [[Category:Data Pages]]  [[Verified For::!Version/{{Current Version}}]]}}

    On the To-Do page to remind people to update the data pages as needed.


    Armor Table

    Armor - Insulation -
    Name Sharp Blunt Heat Heat Cold Coverage Occupies Skin Occupies Middle Occupies Shell Occupies Head Value Silver
    Cataphract armor Cataphract armor 120 50 60 12 36 Torso, Neck, Left Shoulder, Left Arm, Right Shoulder, Right Arm, Left Leg, Right Leg Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png 3,120

    Focus types lore

       Dignified: This can be used by psycasters with Empire royal titles. They meditate on meditation thrones, and gain more focus for more grand and dignified thronerooms. This is part of a shift in emphasis for the Empire, somewhat away from the pampered noble image, and more towards the quasi-religious psychic order aspect that they’ve always had. You’ll note that this kind of meditation is a direct replacement for the old ’authority’ need that your titled pawns would have. Now, instead of sitting on the throne to boost their own ego, they do it to meditate and regain psyfocus. The throneroom is a social gathering place, but it is also a meditation temple expressing deep traditions of an honor-bound culture.
       Natural: This focus type is used by those with tribal childhood backstories - whether you started as a tribal faction, or simply recruited someone with a tribal backstory. Natural meditation foci all need to be in nature - they lose their power if there are artifical structures too close by. The concept here is that they want to go away from people and do a psychic practice by communing with the stillness and eternity of the natural world.
       The most important meditation focus for the natural focus is the anima tree. One of these unique trees spawns on every map with a biome where it’s at all feasible. The tree glows with bioluminescent micro-organisms and has a connection with the surrounding psychic field. Anima trees are powerful foci for building up psyfocus, but also serve another purpose - they can actually upgrade your psycasters. When meditated to, the anima tree slowly develops anima grass around its base. Once enough is grown, you can send someone to link with the tree through a tribal ritual and gain a new level of psylink. This gives a reason to have lots of people meditate to the tree sometimes - possibly even the whole tribe - to grow the grass faster. Anima trees are not vulnerable to toxic fallout and animal will respect them and not eat them (except the jerk alphabeavers). If it’s destroyed, a new one will spawn some time later.
       Besides anima trees, you can also build nature shrines or acquire ancient animus stones and place them in nature to meditate to them. These won’t give new psylink levels like the tree, but it can be useful if you’re on an ice sheet and there is no tree, or you feel you want a meditation focus in a specific spot (though they still lose power if too close to artificial buildings). Raiders won’t see or attack the hidden nature shrines and animus stone.
       Morbid: This focus type is used by those with certain traits like psychopath, cannibal, or blood list. They draw psyfocus by meditating on death. To that end, graves and sarcophagi are a meditation focus for them. This kind of meditation is more powerful with a corpse inside the grave, and even more powerful if the corpse is related to the meditator.
       Minimal: This focus type is used by ascetics. They want the absolute minimum, so they meditate to blank walls. It’s a powerful type of meditation, but only ascetics can use it, and they can’t use some other types.
       Artistic: This type of meditation is usable by most people. The psycaster will meditate to art. Higher-quality art builds psyfocus faster. This kind of focus object is very accessible, but not quite as powerful as other methods.
       The above all means that the Empire no longer needs to have laws against psychic powers - so they don’t. If you want to be tribal psychics drawing power from the anima tree, while being friendly with the Empire, you can. The Empire also no longer tries to prevent anyone from using bladelink weapons (renamed to persona weapons), again, simply because it wasn’t worth restricting players this way. Such weapons are still very hard to get, so if you get one, use it.

    Marine armor test

    VS SHARP ONLY, too wordy to put in as is.

    Compared a flak vest and duster, the marine armor offers strictly superior protection to the arms and legs when all items are the same quality, regardless of duster material. The interactions of two layers are dictated by the games Armor Rating calculations, and the result is that marine armor provides torso, neck and shoulders protection dependent on the quality and materials of the items compared.

    • All items of Awful Quality: Marine armor is comparable or superior to a devilstrand duster and flak vest for all weapons, and significantly inferior to both hyperweave and thrumbofur duster and flak pairings for all but the highest AP weapons in the game.
    • All items of Poor Quality: Marine armor is comparable to a devilstrand duster and flak vest and significantly inferior to both hyperweave and thrumbofur duster and flak pairings for all but the highest AP weapons in the game.
    • All items of Normal Quality: Marine armor is superior to a devilstrand duster and flak vest and significantly inferior to both hyperweave and thrumbofur duster and flak pairings for all weapons in the game.
    • All items of Good Quality: Marine armor is superior to a devilstrand duster and flak vest and comparable to both hyperweave and thrumbofur duster and flak pairings for all weapons in the game.
    • All items of Excellent Quality: Marine armor is significant superior to a devilstrand duster and flak vest and superior to both hyperweave and thrumbofur duster and flak pairings for all weapons in the game.
    • All items of Masterwork or Legendary Quality: Marine armor is significant superior to a devilstrand, hyperweave and thrumbofur duster and flak pairings for all weapons in the game.

    Table test

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    Example Example I'm the mw-collapsible cell content!
    Example Example I'm the mw-collapsible cell content!
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    Name Description Base cost Industrial start cost Tribal start cost Required Research Required Research Bench & Addon
    Complex clothing Tailor complicated garments like pants, dusters, and cowboy hats.
    The following are unlocked by this research:
    Bowler hatBowlerHat.png
    Button-down shirtButton-Down Shirt.png
    Cowboy hatCowboyHat.png
    Electric tailor benchTable tailor electric north.png
    Face maskClothMask.png
    Hand tailor benchTable tailor hand north.png
    Heavy bandolierHeavyBandolier.png
    Kid pantsKidPants.png
    Kid parkaKidParka.png
    Kid romperKidRomper.png
    Kid shirtKidShirt.png
    Lab coatLab coat.png
    600 600 [B] 900 None Simple
    Complex clothing Tailor complicated garments like pants, dusters, and cowboy hats.

    The following are unlocked by this research: Bowler hat, Button-down shirt, Cowboy hat, Duster, Electric tailor bench, Face mask, Flophat, Hand tailor bench, Heavy bandolier, Jacket, Kid pants, Kid parka, Kid romper, Kid shirt, Lab coat, Pants, Parka, Sash, Shadecone, T-shirt, Tailcap, Tuque

    600 600 [B] 900 None Simple
    Complex clothing Tailor complicated garments like pants, dusters, and cowboy hats.

    The following are unlocked by this research: Bowler hat, Button-down shirt, Cowboy hat, Duster, Electric tailor bench, Face mask, Flophat, Hand tailor bench, Heavy bandolier, Jacket, Kid pants, Kid parka, Kid romper, Kid shirt, Lab coat, Pants, Parka, Sash, Shadecone, T-shirt, Tailcap, Tuque

    600 600 [B] 900 None Simple
    Complex clothing Tailor complicated garments like pants, dusters, and cowboy hats.

    For a full list of what is unlocked by this research see here.

    600 600 [B] 900 None Simple
    Complex clothing Tailor complicated garments like pants, dusters, and cowboy hats. 600 600 [B] 900 None Simple


    This is the inline text

    abbr in it.